BAILEBÁN – NOT QUITE WHITEWASHED FROM OUR MEMORY Anne Rodda M.A.G.I. Inscribed on a wall plaque in the parish of Kilbannon, Co. Galway is the name Bailebán.  Local historian Ted Steede, who arranged for the inscription a few years ago, says of the name, which is commonly anglicized as Ballybane: “There are quite a few Ballybane placenames in Ireland. The origins of the name go back to when the labouring classes living in clusters ….. used wetted lime to whitewash their cottages.  The lime was produced in the local limekiln by burning limestone from a local quarry.  Hence the name … Read More

AGI Member Tony Hennessy to speak at National Archives on Culture Night

AGI member Tony Hennessy, master of the bespoke family tree, will be revealing his secrets in a talk entitled ‘How to create your family tree’ at the National Archives of Ireland on Culture Night, September 17 next. More details at the National Archives website (