FOR THEM AND POSTERITY Eilish Feeley M.A. The living come with grassy tread To read the gravestones on the hill; The graveyard draws the living still, But never anymore the dead. (From “In a Disused Graveyard” by Robert Frost) Graveyards hold a particular attraction for genealogists and nothing beats that sense of discovery when you uncover the inscription and carvings on an ancient memorial lost to the world for decades under a heavy mantle of moss and ivy. The best time to visit a graveyard is in early morning sunlight when the oblique rays of the sun shine on the … Read More
John Grenham to Speak at DCC Culture Club Event
In collaboration with Dublin City Council’s Culture Club and under the title ‘Ask the Genealogist’, the National Archives of Ireland is hosting a talk to be given by leading Irish genealogist, John Grenham. The last decade has seen an explosion in the online availability of Irish genealogical records, mostly free, meaning that most people with Irish ancestors can now easily and cheaply take their family back at least to the early nineteenth century. This talk by John Grenham, a founding member of Accredited Genealogists Ireland and author of the key-guide to Irish geneaslogy, Tracing Your Irish Ancestors, will give details … Read More