Anne Marie Smith

Anne-Marie Smith MAGI

Into The Past Genealogy Services
74 Maryville Road,
Dublin 5.
Tel: 00 353 87 7016675

Areas of research: All of Ireland
Area of Special Interest:  Dublin City

Anne-Marie has had an interest in Genealogy and Irish History for many years, which began in school and continued in later years while researching her own family tree. As a result of that research, she has written two family history books (self-published), one on her maternal side and one on her paternal side. Some years ago she was commissioned by another family member to research and compile a family history book for him. Anne-Marie has also successfully traced forward living descendants in her own family in the United States.

She was a founder member of Raheny Business Association in 1988, and when the Association celebrated its 25th Birthday in 2013 she was asked to co-write a book on the History of the Association with former founder member Dick Hooper, a copy of which was lodged with the National Library of Ireland. Anne-Marie won the Best Service Award in 2013 for her genealogy business in Raheny.

Anne-Marie set up Into The Past Genealogy Services in 2011, which has become a passion, and she has successfully traced and connected living descendants for many of her clients.

She was one of the first group of Affiliates to be accepted into Accredited Genealogists Ireland in 2013 and the first Affiliate to gain her Credentials in 2014. Anne-Marie served as Hon. Secretary of AGI for 3 years, and has been part of the organising committee on the AGI Stand at Back to Our Past both in Dublin and Belfast for many years. She was recently involved in organising the AGI Open Day at Wynns Hotel, Dublin in 2023, aimed at people wishing to pursue a career in Professional Genealogy.

She has undertaken research for and taken part in an episode of the RTE series of Who Do You Think You Are and is one of a panel of AGI experts which provides the Genealogy Advisory Service at the National Archives of Ireland.

Anne-Marie is also a member of the Irish Genealogical Research Society (IGRS) and a listed researcher with the National Library of Ireland.