Kiara Gregory

Kiara Gregory, MAGI

47 Highfield Grove,
Co. Kerry, Ireland.

Areas of research: Counties Cork, Kerry and Limerick
Kiara Gregory was born in England and came to Ireland at the age of four. History is her favourite subject. As Genealogy is a branch of history which deals with family relationships Kiara became involved in its study and gained a diploma from University College Dublin. Now she is a Professional Genealogist and hopes to study for her MA in Family History the University of Limerick.

She has also compiled an index of 9,000 wills of Irish soldiers who died in the Great War entitled ‘World War 1 Irish Soldiers – Their Final Testament.’, which includes personal details on the soldiers who left a will as well as their beneficiaries and relatives. This CD-ROM is published by Eneclann.

In December 2008 she became a member of AGI.

Kiara Gregory is a PhD student and former Departmental Assistant in Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.  She is researching Guinness’s Brewery and its employees during the First World War. Her research also addresses how the Brewery helped its employees during this traumatic time. The CD-ROM, First World War Irish Soldiers-Their Final Testament was compiled by Kiara Gregory and published by Eneclann in 2008. Part of this database was used by the National Archives of Ireland. She holds an MA in the History of Family from the University of Limerick and is a committee member of the Irish Association of Professional Historians. She is also a long standing member of Accredited Genealogists of Ireland.