Rosaleen Underwood

Rosaleen Underwood, MAGI

15 Whitechurch Drive,
Dublin 16

Areas of research: All of Ireland, but especially Co. Cork

Research speciality: Surnames; Local and Social History; Eighteenth Century Banking and Merchant Families

Rosaleen Underwood considers herself fortunate to have been able to turn a hobby into a career, and to indulge her passion for history and puzzles. Her association with genealogy began in 1996 when she attended famliy history classes in her local library. Two years later she began studying for a Certificate in Genealogy, followed by a Diploma in Genealogy, both at University College Dublin. Her application for membership of AGI was accepted in 2005.

Rosaleen is a former Council member of AGI which she represents on the Council of Irish Genealogical Organisations (CIGO), is on the committee of the Irish Genealogical Research Society – Ireland Branch, and a committee member of the Certificate in Genealogy Alumni Group (CGAG). She served on the sub-committee responsible for the Congress Exhibition at the 4th Irish Genealogical Congress, held in Trinity College, Dublin, in September 2001.

She gives talks on genealogy in general, Genealogy in Cork, Irish Banking Families in the Eighteenth Century, Surnames, and East Cork Surnames, as well as giving classes and workshops on genealogy. She is one of a team of consultants in the Genealogy Advisory Service in the National Archives in Dublin, which service she has also provided in the National Library, Dublin City Library & Archives, Cork City & County Archives in Cork for Culture Night and other events.