Why commission an AGI member to conduct research?
Deciding on which genealogist or record agent to engage based only on an advertisement in a genealogical magazine or journal is quite a risk. It is always advisable to approach someone who holds credentials from an accrediting body which controls membership by assessment and regulates practice.
Choosing a genealogist
As the majority of genealogical records are held in repositories in Dublin and /or Belfast, regional specialisation is not a major factor in Irish research and most AGI members are in a position to conduct research on families from any part of Ireland. However, some members prefer to concentrate exclusively on certain geographical areas, while many have particular interest in, and knowledge of, specific localities, record types or social or religious groups. It is best, therefore, to carefully review the AGI membership list before approaching any individual. Because of variations in methodology and differing hourly rates, it is best to make initial enquiries with two or more members.
Initial enquiry
A brief letter or email is the best initial approach. You should be able to summarise in a paragraph the relevant information on the generation you wish to research. This will allow the genealogist to broadly assess the possibilities for research and to ask you for more specific information, if necessary. Attempting to research a remote ancestor who may have been born in Ireland sometime in the nineteenth century is pointless. You need specifics. If you don’t have them, you will need to carry out research done in your own country before approaching someone in Ireland. The AGI member may be able to advise you on the records in your country that are likely to be most informative, with respect to your Irish ancestry. The very least you need to know is the name of the ancestor born in Ireland, an approximate date of birth (or marriage if they married before emigrating), the county of origin (unless their surname was very unusual) and the name of one parent.
What to expect?
There are no strict rules for professional genealogists to follow when it comes to the step by step process of dealing with clients. Individual AGI members all have their own preferred approach and their own style of reporting. AGI is not legally entitled to regulate this process. However, all AGI members should state their hourly rate and terms on receipt of a written request. All AGI members will provide a typescript report detailing positive and/or negative results. Source references will be given in the body of the report and/or in an attached list of sources consulted. Where possible relevant images of documents are also provided.
To engage an AGI Member, you must contact a Member directly. Please click the link below.
AGI cannot recommend individual members.