The Evening Lecture Series continues next month at the National Archives of Ireland with presentations by Clare Doyle, MAGI, and Michael Walsh, B.Sc. MAGI. These will be the final two of four talks in the 2019 series given by AGI Members. The first was by John Grenham, MAGI, in April and the second by Nicola Morris, MAGI in June. Both were very well attended, with standing-room only at Nicola’s talk.
Clare will speak on Tues. 24 September on ‘The Genealogy of an Irish Workhouse: Guardians, Staff & Inmates of the Poor Law’.
Michael’s talk is on Tues. 12 November, ‘The Griffith Valuation & its place in Irish Genealogy’.
The talks are free and open to all, at 6pm at the National Archives, Bishop Street, Dublin 8.