New AGI Member Sandy O’Byrne

Accredited Genealogists Ireland is pleased to welcome its newest Member, Sandy O’Byrne, who was recently passed by AGI’s independent Board of Assessors. In 2012 Sandy obtained the Diploma in Family History from Independent Colleges, Dublin, in a programme run in conjunction with AGI. She is the fourth person to come through that course and gain membership of AGI. In 2014 she became an AGI Affiliate, entering into a period of close association with the organisation, continuing professional development and one-to-one mentoring. Sandy is the sixth Affiliate to progress to membership.

Before developing a career in genealogy, Sandy graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a degree in History of Art and English, specialising in the Eighteenth Century Irish Country House. She has worked as a journalist, a features writer and a part-time lecturer. She is also the author of three books. Having received the professional credential as a genealogist, Sandy O’Byrne, MAGI, enters a new phase in her career.

You can visit her page on AGI’s website here.