30 December 2006
The 2006 AGM took place on Wednesday 13 December at the Conference Room, PRONI, Belfast. Our President, Pamela Bradley, took the chair for the last time as not only was it the end of her Presidency, but she had announced her intention to retire from the Council. The meeting followed its usual format, with reports being given by the Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and others. When it came to the elections for Council, there were only a few changes. The composition of Council for 2007 will be as follows:-
President: Paul Gorry
Vice-President: Muirin O’Briain
Hon. Secretary: Robert C Davison
Hon. Treasurer: Joan Sharkey
Council Members:
Steven C ffeary-Smyrl
John Grenham
Helen Kelly
Harry McDowell
Eileen Ó Dúill
Rosaleen Underwood
The formalities of the AGM were completed by the incoming President thanking Pamela Bradley for her long service to the running of APGI and acknowledging her qualities and commitment.
A precious cargo was also brought along to the AGM. This comprised the “Grant of Arms” in all its heraldic glory, and three newly minted certificates for presentation to three of our now retired members.
With the end of the meeting at just after 12 noon, we were then able to welcome our honoured guests, Marie Wilson and Hazel Irvine, along with Brian Mitchell (Derry Genealogy Centre); Ann Robinson (Chair, North of Ireland Family History Society); Martin Muldoon; Gerry Slater, Chief Executive PRONI and Heather Stanley, also PRONI. Light refreshments were taken and Paul spoke on the origins and current activities of . Then he presented the new “Certificates of Appreciation” to Marie and Hazel for the contribution they had made to the formation of . Marie was also retiring from . Bouquets were presented to both ladies by Rob Davison.
Paul mentioned that one other person remained to be honoured and this was Joan Petticrew who was a founder member of APGI and was also retiring from the Association. Due to problems with her car, Joan was meeting with us all at the Europa Hotel where we were going to take our Christmas Lunch. Paul took this opportunity to make the presentation to Joan and thank her for her contributions to both and to research over the years. She was then presented with her “Certificate of Appreciation” and a bouquet.
A good meal was enjoyed in convivial company and despite their early start, the ” South” contingent were still in good form as they made their way to Central Station for the 6.10pm train back to Dublin.
Robert C Davison
Hon. Secretary
20 December 2006
“Baltinglass Chronicles, 1851-2001” by Paul Gorry, a member of APGI, was launched on 25 November by Aideen Ireland, President of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. The 380 page volume traces the history of the Co. Wicklow town of Baltinglass over a century and a half. It also includes street directories for 1851, 1901, 1951 and 2001. The book is published by Nonsuch and may be purchased through any bookshop in Ireland.
21 October 2006
APGI receives its Grant of Arms from the Chief Herald of Ireland,Fergus Gillespie.
APGI has reached a new milestone in its two decade history with the organisation receiving its Grant of Arms from the Chief Herald of Ireland, Fergus Gillespie. Those attending the Chief Herald’s reception on 26 September for the 70th Anniversary of the Irish Genealogical Research Society were treated to a “sneak preview” of the Letters Patent, which came that day hot off the herald painter’s easel.
With the consent of Sir David Goodall, President of the IGRS, Mr. Gillespie took the opportunity to present the new emblem to Pamela Bradley, President of APGI, who thanked the IGRS for accommodating the Chief Herald’s impromptu ceremony. The Arms will be formally unveiled at APGI’s Annual General Meeting in Belfast on 13 December. Afterwards they will be added to the APGI website.
The new Coat of Arms depicts the learned study of Irish genealogy with an open book resting on an Irish oak tree. The design is simple, with no crest or supporters, just the shield and a Latin motto. The motto, Petere Fontem, “To Seek the Source” was suggested by Eileen O’Byrne, a Fellow of . In addition there is a badge which may be worn by members. It depicts the cupola of the Bedford Tower in Dublin Castle, long time home of Ulster’s Office/the Genealogical Office, the font of professional genealogy in Ireland.
29 September2006
APGI member Eileen O’Byrne will be giving a talk on “The Convert Rolls” at 2.15 pm at the Irish Family History Society meeting Saturday 7th October 2006. For details see the IFHS web site http://homepage.eircom.net/~ifhs/
Venue Dublin City Library & Archive,
138-144 Pearse St,
Dublin 2.
3 September 2006
APGI member Helen Kelly has been invited by the West Wicklow Historical Society to launch the book General O’Brien – from West Wicklow to South America. The subject of the book is John Thomond O’Brien (1786-1861). O’Brien was a native of Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow. In the 1810s he went to Buenos Aires and became involved in the independence movement, rising to become an influential military leader. During his long career he was involved in mineral speculation and an attempt to encourage migrants to South America from Ireland.
The launch takes place at Baltinglass Library on Saturday 16 September 2006 following the 3.00pm unveiling of a plaque to O’Brien outside the Library. Chilean descendants of the General will attend the ceremony. Helen Kelly was asked to launch the book because of her work on Irish migration to South America .
30 July 2006
2006 Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference, Boston, USA.
From 30 August to 2 September 2006 the Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference will be held in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. This year, the conference will feature 4 full tracks of Irish lectures on a wide range of topics relating to Irish genealogy.
The Association of Professional Genealogists in Ireland will be well represented at the FGS conference. Three members of APGI will be presenting lectures and workshops.
Eileen Ó Dúill, CG, CGL, will give a lecture on “Researching in Ireland: Planning is the Key to Success ” as well as “30 June 1922: Did Everything Blow Up?” Eileen will also give an introduction to “Irish Birth, Marriage and Death Records “. John Grenham will present a lecture on “Irish Loan Fund Records” and workshops on Irish Valuation records. Mary Beglan will be speaking on “Getting Started on Your Irish Family History “, “Irish Genealogy on the Internet “ and “Marriage Settlements in the Registry of Deeds“
The Association of Genealogists of the USA will be offering their annual Professional Management Conference. APGI will be represented by Eileen Ó Duill, CG, CGL who will be giving a talk on “The Role of the 21st Century Genealogist in International Probate Research”.
In addition to the 4 tracks of Irish lectures, there will be a strong Irish presence in the exhibition hall. A veritable “Irish Village” will include various Irish organizations.The Ordnance Survey of Ireland will be launching their digitized historic map collection.
Aside from the programmes, there is also the great fun of meeting other people at conferences, workshops, lunches, the exhibition hall and just “hanging out”. FGS conferences give you opportunities to connect with people interested in your research and more importantly, people who are willing to share theirs. If you have ever considered becoming a professional genealogist, this is the place to start with presentations on professional topics and information on the process of certification of genealogists.
For details of the conference: go to www.fgs.org
Details of the Irish tracks are available at: http://tiara.ie/TIARAFGSProgram.pdf
20 April 2006
APGI member Patricia Moorhead will be giving a talk on
“The Portobello Bridge Tragedy of 1861” at the Ballinteer Family History Society meeting on Thursday 20th April at 8pm. All are very welcome.
Venue: The Conference Room, St. John the Evangelist Church, Ballinteer, Dublin.
27 March 2006
The third edition of APGI member John Grenham’s book “Tracing your Irish Ancestors” was launched at the National Library of Ireland on 27th March. Available from major book stores or from publishers Gill & Macmillan www.gillmacmillan
Saturday 8 April 2006
APGI member Helen Kelly will be giving a talk on “Argentina .. and the Westmeath/Longford connection” at 2.15 pm at the Irish Family History Society AGM. For details see the IFHS web site http://homepage.eircom.net/~ifhs/
Venue Dublin City Library & Archive,
138-144 Pearse St,
Dublin 2.
Saturday 11 March 2006
APGI members Steven Smyrl and John Grenham will be giving talks at a Full Day seminar for those starting to research their family history entitled Tracing your famly: from parchment to cyberspace.
Venue: Dublin City Library & Archive,
138 – 144 Pearse St., Dublin 2.
Tel. 674 4873 / 674 4806
Tuesday 21 March 2006 2pm
APGI member Helen Kelly will be giving a lecture on Irish Records for Irish Family History.
Myddelton Street,