Timeline Research Ltd, 146 Tritonville Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4, Ireland. WWW: www.timeline.ie Areas of research: All of Ireland Robert Somerville-Woodward was initially educated in England at the University of Southampton where he received a First Class Honours Degree in History and Geography and the University of Bradford where he gained a Masters Degree in Peace Studies and scholarship awards from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Geraldine Cadbury Trust. From 1994 to 1998 he attended University College, Dublin in the Combined Departments of History under the supervision of Professor Mary Daly. A recipient of a three-year postgraduate scholarship under the Ireland-UK Scholarship Exchange Scheme from 1996 to 1998 he was awarded his PhD in 1998 for his thesis: ‘Language Without a Mouth: The Development of an Irish Language Consciousness in the English Language’; in the same year was one of the winners of the inaugural Beckett Gold Medal in Modern Irish History for his monograph The Dublin Ossianic Society, 1853-1863. Since 1998 Robert has worked as a professional historical researcher, genealogist and writer in the field of Irish history and amongst his larger research commissions was that undertaken for Ballymun Regeneration Limited, an eighteen-month project resulting in the two-volume Ballymun: A History ca. 1600-1997. In 2007 Robert became a director of Timeline Research Ltd and has been involved with much of the Irish research for the BBC television programme ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ and the Irish RTÉ production ‘Where were Your Ancestor’s During the Famine?’ Robert lives in Dublin with his partner and two young children. Back to Members |