Seeking Credentials in Ireland as a Professional Genealogist?

Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI) is hosting a Webinar on Zoom – Sat. 10 April 2021 @ 10.30am

Whether you are already practising as a professional genealogist or just thinking about a career in genealogical research, this webinar would be relevant for you.  It will provide information on credentials for professional genealogists, on the AGI Affiliate programme and on the process of seeking accreditation as a Member of AGI.

All are welcome – please book by following this link: Registration

Enquiries about the event should be emailed to:

AGI is the accrediting and representative body for professional genealogists in Ireland.  It was founded in 1986.  Admission to membership is based on the recommendations of an independent Board of Assessors.  The credential of membership of AGI is open to professional genealogists based anywhere on the island of Ireland who primarily conduct research in Irish sources and who are not engaged in full-time work outside of genealogy.