Robert C Davison, MAGI

Areas of research: All of Ireland

Special interests: Adoption and Probate.

Although Robert Davison is of English origin, his ‘roots’ are in Ireland, as his father came from Belfast. On retirement, Robert moved to the Ards Peninsula in Co. Down and determined to research his Irish ancestors. On joining the North of Ireland Family History Society (NIFHS) twelve years ago, he was able to acquire the necessary expertise in research. His interests expanded and, realising the cross-fertilisation between ‘local’ and ‘family’ history, he joined the Upper Ards Historical Society, based in Portaferry. He is currently Editor of the Journal of that Society. He is particularly interested in the links between Scotland and Ulster.

Having carried out genealogical, probate and adoption research on a professional basis for six years, Robert applied for membership of AGI in 2003 and was admitted. In June 2003 he joined the team of AGI members who provide the Genealogy Advisory Service at the National Library and National Archives in Dublin. For preference and expediency, his professional research tends to cover the province of Ulster as he regularly researches in the Belfast record repositories. However, he has undertaken many probate, adoption and genealogical enquiries that have connections in other parts of Ireland and further afield. Consequently, he is familiar with the main repositories in Dublin and London. He represents on the PRONI (Public Record Office of Northern Ireland) Forum and the Belfast GRO (General Register Office) Users Group.