AGI members available to conduct genealogy research
* Click on an image to obtain detailed information about each researcher
AGI members unavailable to conduct research at the moment
Additional AGI Members (present and past)
Members are those accredited by Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI) on the recommendation of the independent Board of Assessors.
Affiliates are reputable genealogists in the early stages of their transition to professional research who have not yet attained accreditation. Affiliate status is a mandatory first step in applying for membership of Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI).
Fellows are Members or former Members who are considered to have given invaluable service to AGI or to have made a particularly outstanding contribution to the study of Irish genealogy.
Emeritus Members:
Emeritus Members are Members who have retired from practice as professional genealogists and have been conferred with Emeritus status in recognition of their long standing membership.
Associate Members:
Associate Members are those passed by the Board of Assessors who are not currently accredited Members by choice or through the circumstance of living abroad.
AGI Members & Affiliates
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What can you do for AGI?

Why Commission an AGI Member?