Accredited Genealogists Ireland

Membership of Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI)

Membership of Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI) is open to all professional genealogists, resident on the island of Ireland, who are not engaged in full-time employment in another field.

AGI defines “a professional genealogist” as a person who: 
… conducts genealogical research in primary and secondary sources, who assesses the findings, determines further sources or constructs a pedigree, and who compiles a written account of the completed research. A professional genealogist earns his/her living by such work.

1.    What are the benefits of membership?
The most important benefit of being a Member of AGI is the accreditation. Most English-speaking countries now have at least one professional organisation which assesses the work of genealogical researchers and provides credentials. This provides protection both for professional genealogists and for their clients. AGI is the only such regulating body within Ireland which operates an assessment process for membership applicants. Its accreditation is, therefore, a significant stamp of approval for any Irish genealogist.

The Association provides a voice for those working in the field of genealogy and monitors the standards of research facilities in Irish record repositories. Of course, being a Member of AGI also brings the entitlement of inclusion in the Members’ section of the AGI website. Members may use and display the initials “MAGI”.

2. What are the duties of membership?
AGI Members are expected to uphold the good name of the organisation and to play an active part in fostering Irish genealogy in general. They must adhere to the Association’s rules and a strict Code of Practice.

Complaints are taken very seriously. There is a Complaints Investigation Procedure and serious or repeated cases of justifiable complaint can result in expulsion from the Association.

How do I become a Member of AGI?
Becoming a Member of Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI) is a 2-step process:

1. Becoming an Affiliate
The first step, which is mandatory, is to become an Affiliate of AGI.

Becoming an Affiliate of Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI)
1. Why should I apply?
Becoming an Affiliate is a necessary and mandatory first step in applying for membership of Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI) and gaining accreditation.

2. What are the benefits of affiliation?
The most important benefit of being an AGI Affiliate is access to close contact with AGI Members and an informal mentoring process that should help to hone skills in preparation for making an application for membership.
An AGI Affiliate is entitled to:
* attend general meetings of AGI, but not vote or be eligible for election to the Council
* attend professional development and social events organised by AGI
* have his/her name and address included in the list of Affiliates issued by AGI
* remain an Affiliate for a maximum of four years, having applied for membership of AGI within two years of admission, provided that affiliation is not withdrawn by the Council for failure to fulfil affiliation requirements

3. What are the duties of affiliation?
AGI Affiliates, as well as Members, are expected to uphold the good name of the organisation and to play an active part in fostering Irish genealogy in general. They must adhere to the Association’s rules and a strict Code of Practice. Complaints are taken very seriously. There is a Complaints Investigation Procedure and serious or repeated cases of justifiable complaint can result in the loss of Affiliate status.

An AGI Affiliate is required to:
a) Pay an annual affiliation fee (currently €75)
b) Abide by the AGI Code of Practice
c) Use or display on his/her stationery the term ‘AGI Affiliate’ to signify his/her association with AGI
d) Make an initial application for membership of AGI within two years of admission as an Affiliate

An AGI Affiliate is not entitled to:
a) use or display the AGI membership badge
b) use or display the initials “MAGI” to signify membership of AGI
c) imply publicly that Affiliate status grants him/her accreditation by AGI

4. What are the application requirements for Affiliate status?
To be eligible for Affiliate status the applicant:
* should be currently operating a genealogical research service for which fees are charged or should be working as a researcher for such a service
* must be resident in Ireland (Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland) and be conducting all or most of his/her genealogical research in Irish records
* must not be employed at any full-time occupation outside of genealogy, but must have been practising as a professional genealogist for at least one year full-time or two years part-time

Once admitted to the category, the Affiliate must continue to satisfy these regulations in order to retain the status.

5. The application should comprise:
The section below describes the application process.

5.1 A Letter
A Letter with supporting documentation attached should outline the applicant’s background in the field, including information such as:
* the number of years/months he/she has been conducting genealogical research for a fee 
* his/her research experience (e.g. the sources and the record repositories / on-line databases with which he/she is familiar; the types of research projects completed)
* any experience in related fields, such as transcription or indexation of genealogical records
* any courses in genealogy or related subjects completed or currently being attended

It should be pointed out that practical experience of genealogical research is the basic requirement and that it is not necessary to have attended any courses. The completion of a course in genealogy will not count towards eventual application for membership of AGI. Nevertheless, such a course should be of benefit to anyone seeking to gain more knowledge of genealogical sources and how to interpret and utilise them to form conclusions.

5.2 A short genealogical Dissertation or Essay
A Dissertation or Essay should run to approximately 1,000 words. This may, for instance, range from detailing research into a family’s history to explaining the background and use of a particular source relevant to Irish genealogy. The main purpose of this is to allow the applicant to demonstrate their knowledge and ability. It should be self-contained and, where relevant, it must quote sources. This is also an important opportunity for the applicant to demonstrate their communication skills.

5.3 A Reference Form and additional information
In addition, the application should be accompanied by:
* a non-refundable application fee, which is currently €75  (Payment can be made by electronic transfer. Please enquire with Hon. Secretary)
* a completed Reference Form containing the names of two referees of standing as to the applicant’s character and one from a client confirming the applicant’s competence (Please enquire with Hon. Secretary)
* samples of publicity material (e.g. brochure, letterhead, website address), if the applicant is currently operating a genealogical research service
* a scan of proof of identity: passport, driving licence or ID card (once processed, these scans will be deleted by AGI)

6 Is acceptance automatic?
Acceptance as an AGI Affiliate is not automatic and it does not guarantee eventual membership of AGI. Admission to the category is at the discretion of the Council of AGI and the Council may from time to time limit the number of Affiliates. AGI Council reserves the right not to enter into correspondence about unsuccessful applications.

7. Progression to Membership of AGI
The category of Affiliate is not intended as a permanent status for anyone admitted to it. It is a necessary and mandatory first step to enable a professional genealogical researcher to apply for membership of AGI. A person may retain Affiliate status for a maximum period of four years only.
An Affiliate must make an application for membership of AGI within two years of admission. If unsuccessful on the first attempt, the applicant may remain an Affiliate only for the remainder of the maximum period of four years. 
An Affiliate who has made a second but unsuccessful application may, within 28 days of receiving such a notification, request a time-limited extension of the four year period. This is to allow the applicant to make one final application. This must be submitted no sooner than three months and no later than six months from the date of their second notification informing them that they have not been admitted to membership. Applicants would retain their status as Affiliates temporarily until their final application has been considered by the Board of Assessors.
If unsuccessful in applying for membership within four years of becoming an Affiliate, the applicant will cease to have any association with AGI. In exceptional circumstances, the Council of AGI may allow a further application for membership independent of holding Affiliate status.

How to apply
Application forms and further details may be obtained from:
Hon. Secretary
Accredited Genealogists Ireland

2. Applying for membership
The second step is to apply for membership of AGI. This is open only to professional genealogists resident anywhere on the island of Ireland who are already Affiliates of AGI, who have fulfilled all of their obligations and who fully meet the requirements of membership.

How to make an application for membership
The section below describes the application process.

1. What are the application requirements?
To be eligible to apply for membership of AGI an individual must first have successfully applied for and attained AGI Affiliate status. For details of how to become an Affiliate of AGI please click here

2. How do I apply for membership of AGI?
Only those holding AGI Affiliate status may apply for membership of AGI. Application for membership is made by submitting a sample of work. This must be a copy of a Report or copies of a series of related and connected Reports on research conducted over a period of between seven and ten hours, exclusive of Report preparation time.
It must be accompanied by:
a) an application form 
b) a non-refundable application fee, which is currently €150 (payment can be made by electronic transfer;  please enquire with Hon. Secretary) 
c) a brief description of the initial information supplied by the client
d) an indication of the length of the search 
e) reproductions of the relevant photocopies or other documentation submitted to the client with the original Report
f) confirmation from the client giving written permission to submit the case for assessment

3. Who assesses applications?
The independent Board of Assessors examines applications for membership. The Board is made up of people whose combined knowledge of record repositories, archival practices and genealogical research procedure gives them ample expertise with which to judge the merits of applications. Current Members of AGI are disbarred from serving on the Board. At least three Members of the Board participate in any assessment. Successful applications must subsequently be ratified by AGI Council.

Sample Report
Here is a Sample Report and a Sketch Pedigree which may be helpful to prospective applicants as to the standard required of AGI Members. [Link]

How to apply
Application forms and further details may be obtained from:
Hon. Secretary
Accredited Genealogists Ireland